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Great guitarist
Current line-up is the best since Duane was around, and personally my favorite line-up ever
My current favorite bassist. Extremely tasteful player. Oh yeah, his day job is playing bass for my favorite band Gov't Mule
This band smokes. For music lovers only
Michigan homeboy
More southern metal
Great metal band and super-cool dudes. RIP Dimebag. The world will never be the same without you.
Bad ass Detroit old school metal
One of my favorite guitarists
Amazing fingerstyle guitarist
The best progressive rock band ever
One of my favorite guitarists
One of my favorite guitarists
Blues-based rock and so much more - real music for real music lovers
Country, hellbilly, punk, metal - this dude is fuckin' COOL!
Another cool Detroit rock club
Great metal band and super-cool dudes
Cool Detroit rock club
Another Michigan homeboy and one of the original punks
My all time favorite guitarist.
One of my favorite guitarists, born and bred in Detroit!
Another one of my favorite guitarists
Home of Kerry Fucking King
As real as it gets
Long live Southern Rock!
Detroit's number 1 party band
Bad ass old school metal and super nice motherfuckers!
One of my biggest influences as a guitarist
As real and loud as it gets
Luther rules!
Southern metal
He's got all kinds of cool shit going on
He's got a smokin' new band
Find any concert dates here first
King of the Delta blues
For us leftys!
One of my guitar heroes. RIP brother.
Another cool Phil project
Beautiful acoustic guitars made by good people
The Motor City Madman
Great band and super cool dudes
My bro Pat Lachman's new band
Black Sabbath guitarist; one of my guitar heroes and fellow southpaw!
Who's your uncle?
One of my all-time favorite guitarists
One of my favorite guitarists/singers/songwriters
Cool greasy Detroit band with a southern rock vibe
The other best progressive rock band ever
One of my favorite guitarists
Other Sites
Tons of cool art books
Check out his amazing horror portraits!
The Art of Ghoulish Gary Pullin (Rue Morgue Art Director)
Check out these killer shirts!
Best horror magazine on the planet
Tattoo Sites
Home of Wes Diffie
Home of Big Gus and his crew
Home of Stephane Chaudesaiges
The amazing Guy Aitchison and his lovely wife Michele
Home of the lovely and charming Sarah Peacock
Incredible artist and cool-ass dude!
Where Paul Booth and his minions lurk
Home of our good friends Craig and Rachel Helmich
Home of Dave Wiper
My bro Jay Jay
Go to this site now!
Bad ass artist Mankan!
Check out Ethan Morgan's new digs
Home of Kurt Wiscombe and Alex Adams
Cap Szumski and Associates
Home of Terry Manning
Home of the inimitable Shige
Tattoo-Related Sites
Tattoo culture on DVD